Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

We can run but cannot hide

Courtesy of Soundoff

Continuing an overview of Corporate Personhood from previous posts

corp personhood 2

 We will look at Ralph Nader's perspective on " a jolting update and call-to-action for urgent redirections away from the secretive, proprietary corporate science/technology that serves the narrow intersects of short-term commercialism at the expense of humans and broader global values.

Piercing the Technology Bubble

Published on Saturday, October 25, 2014 by Common Dreams article by Ralph Nader

This weekend, October 25 and 26, I will be joining leading critics, from the United States and abroad, of corporate-controlled technologies, who are also proponents of appropriate technologies for the people (Vandana Shiva, Anuradha Mittal, Helen Caldicott, Wes Jackson, Bill McKibben), convening at the historic Cooper Union Great Hall on “Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth”. The speakers are highly knowledgeable. Some of their prior warnings were ignored by policy makers. Unfortunately, many of these warnings were, in retrospect, understatements. The chief organizer of this gathering is Jerry Mander who heads the International Forum on Globalization (see for the entire list of programs). In 1996, Mander and Edward Goldsmith brought together several prominent writers to contribute essays to the book titled The Case Against the Global Economy.

These analysts made predictions about the damaging effects of relentlessly single-minded corporate power and their corporate-managed trade agreements like the WTO (World Trade Organization) under President Bill Clinton and the newly ratified NAFTA. Eighteen years ago, these chapters seemed provocative and extreme to knee-jerk “free traders.” Reading these essays now, with knowledge of the subsequent effects of these agreements on workers, education, culture, energy, environment, media, food supply, pharmaceuticals, land use, the patenting of life forms, developmental colonialism and democratic processes, makes the book prophetic. Eighteen years ago, many wrote off this book as an exaggeration, when in fact it underestimated the damage to people of various economic statuses from both developing and developed countries caused by unbridled corporatism.

William Greider’s chapter, titled “Citizen GE,” remains one of the most brilliant succinct overviews of a global company’s avaricious reach ever written. The book moves into proposals for “relocalization” of economic systems, currencies, communities and agriculture. Mr. Mander views this weekend’s conference as a jolting update and call-to-action for urgent redirections away from the secretive, proprietary corporate science/technology that serves the narrow intersects of short-term commercialism at the expense of humans and broader global values.

The corporate giants intent on domination through governmental proxies, shared monopoly power and propaganda, are not what the philosopher/mathematician Alfred North Whitehead had in mind when he said that a great society is one in which “its men of business think greatly of their functions.” For the corporate bosses, no matter how evident the stunning unintended consequences of their dominion, still march to the imperatives of quarterly earnings, stock prices and executive bonuses. With such narrowly based yardsticks to measure their success, it is no wonder that the global corporations today, such as energy, drugs, “defense,” banking, mining etc. – are power-concentrating machines driven to defeat, diminish or co-opt any forces advancing contrary civic, political or economic values.

One of the least noticed, uneven struggles is that between corporate science and academic science. Unlike academic science, corporate science is not peer-reviewed, except by the ruse of some well-compensated and corrupted academic scientists – a practice known to both the tobacco and drug industries. Corporate science is secretive (aka proprietary), politically-empowered and intensely media-promoted. It is intrinsically linked to protecting and promoting commercially profitable pursuits that are often hazardous or harmful to people and the environment.

An example is Monsanto Corporation, which encompasses a global drive to use patent monopolies and political influence to change the nature of nature. Monsanto’s unlabeled, genetically engineered crops are widely unregulated, as noted by Scientific American, which said: “Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify that genetically modified crops perform as advertised. That is because agritech companies have given themselves veto power over the work of independent researchers” (July 20, 2009).

Thus, corporate science is largely immunized from proper public accountability. This leads to rapid engineering applications without the rigorous testing and peer-reviewing process required by its more moral counterpart, academic science. It is these rapid engineering deployments, as well as their misapplication and public propaganda that the Cooper Union convocation seeks to address. There is a precedent for this work. The polluting internal combustion engine was rarely challenged until the nineteen-sixties when a Caltech scientist connected its emissions to smog.

A major part of the Cooper Union conference on “Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth” will relate to what Mr. Mander calls “Which Way Out? Ingredients of Change.” Interestingly, there is no panel or topic focusing on the fundamental reality that there is no ethical or legal framework within which these technologies must operate. Consider GMO seeds, nanotechnology, weaponized drones, synthetic biology, medical robotics, weapons systems, surveillance devices and more! Where is the regulatory law? Where is the civic discussion of what these “machines” and technology portend for our societal and moral values?

There will be numerous presentations that urge local self-reliance, community businesses, “Indigenous Values and the Rights of Nature,” “True Cost Accounting,” and “Steady State Economics.” But there are limits to the efforts of individuals who promote local self-reliance in the civic sector. Mundane obstacles, such as Congress, cannot be ignored. The governmental arm of giant corporatism and its influence on our indentured politicians stifles initiatives to displace commercialism and corporate power.

There is no substitute for the much-needed political mobilization of the people in every congressional district to expand proven local efforts and spark a national discussion and transformation of our presently inverted priorities and plutocratic dominations (see This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ah, but for the varieties of frequency ....

Found on Tumbler

Ah, but for the varieties of frequency ....

from which even space and time cannot escape …

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is This Proof of Heaven? A Brain Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife (LARGER REALITY - a more modern term)

      Is This Proof of Heaven? A Brain Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife    (added note -LARGER REALITY - a more modern term)

 By Steven Bancarz| Do we have a soul? Is there life after death?  In a society where science and empirical testing have taken over as =the only was to test for truth, the idea of there being a life after death is sometimes thought of as wishful thinking.  The afterlife, however, is something that has been experienced by countless people since recorded history who have returned to tell their tales, with the most noteworthy account experienced first-hand by Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years, Dr. Eben Alexander. - See more at:

  Repost  Peter Jocis via Spirit Science

I confess, my personal confirmation of the following points (three month full effect) during my junior year at FIT, without NDE, with the added benefits of near weightlessness and minimal (1-2hr) sleep requirement.

• The experience of the LARGER Reality (afterlife-misnomer) was so “real” and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.
• The fabric of the LARGER Reality (afterlife-misnomer) was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small. If you wish to know the Universe, know Love. 
• In the LARGER Reality (afterlife-misnomer), all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you. All the questions you asked in your mind were immediately answered to you telepathically as well.

Plato's allegory of the Cave describes the experience well, including the initial visual effect of one's return to the darkness of the cave from the light outside, 'blinded by the light, attempting to explain what one saw" .... The Monroe Institute stands foremost with experiential and exploratory evidence of our expanding window to reality.

  The Monroe Institute

The mind stretched by personal experience can never go back to old, contemporary beliefs..................and unfortunately, I stand firm on the dangerous scientific stagnation (cancerous blockage threat in process and looming) resulting from obstruction of the normal process of evolutionary energy definitions and applications.   

Monday, August 11, 2014

Aiding, Abetting, Assisting Terrorists in Bringing this Country Down?

What part of the repeating “LORD & SERF” culture, prehistoric economic definition, and economic abuse, is NOT understood by the act of fully supporting (in the majority) the spectacular widening wealth gap, as many American children now go hungry, on top of the growing numbers unable to afford higher education, as their parents continue to lose their homes to forclosure?

How the wealth gap is damaging the U.S. economy

The scientific and economic paradigm needs to be revisited for survival course correction.

THE ROOT CAUSE of the majority of our contemporary issues – from global warming, to pollution, to poverty and economic divide/corruption, to traffic nightmares – falls on our narrow and stagnant concept of energy, specifically E=MC2, whose blindness permits unsustainable economic parameters,  with massive imposing limits.  Exploring Energy Evolution

 Our countless individual uniqueness and passions can only be as good as the foundation of reality and belief we stand upon, represented by our scientific foundation. Escape to Trivia will not help.

The consequences of building upon a false, inadequate, misleading, suppressed “need to know” scientific foundation was quite adequately portrayed in the simplified 'three little pigs' story in our kindergarten years.


  Greed at a Glance.


 Review history to recall the consequences of Escape.

 ostrich all the way down

 Living Economies: We humans have a brief window of opportunity to navigate the passage from a 5,000 year Era of Empire characterized by domination and violence against life to an Era of Earth Community characterized by peaceful partnership. This passage to a new level of species maturity promises a more secure and fulfilling life for all. … more


 Imagine an economy in which life is valued more than money and power resides with ordinary people who care about one another, their community, and their natural environment. Welcome to the New Economy. It is possible.

Only with a firm and adequate scientific foundation can we invoke the qualities of a game changer, and realize our ability and responsibility to take action against those systems and ideas that no longer allow humans the freedom to flourish. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bringing Alive Our Centuries Old, Tiny 'Boxes' of Stalemated Beliefs

Maitrix logo-new

   Peter Jocis  Facebook forward Maitrix Energetics - a application deserving widespread focus bringing alive our centuries old tiny 'boxes' of stalemated beliefs.

Taking the "warm fuzzies, icy prickles" seminars of the 1970s?, to a much deeper, practical, quantum, local level of application. Maitrix Energetics presents a good summation of fundamentals put into practice in real time group settings.

 Of note, for those who know of Dr. William A. Tiller,  this practice was endorsed with positive comments by Dr. Tiller in one of Matrix's videos.



  Exploring Energy Evolution

  PP 1928          

Monday, June 30, 2014

Energy Evolution after the Pyramids

Items to bring: A popup neck to see above the crowd of belief to determine self-direction

Comment to Linkedin’s Joel Makower Chairman and Executive Editor at GreenBiz Group, posts below:   

Imagine the destructive outcomes a faulty scientific belief system (the 100 year stuckness on the stagnant E=MC2 equation) can cause when shaped by unified POWERHOUSES in a lopsided, incredibly immense, economic divide


Missing scientific dots: Brief Summation at end of post

Current CAUSE and EFFECT:

Summation of Fundamental Principle VC:
·        The simple unity of matter and energy: Consider a geometric plane surface having two dimensions. If this plane is perpendicular to your line of sight you perceive it as a plane surface, the matter aspect. If now you rotate the plane through an angle of ninety degrees, the surface will disappear from your sight, leaving only one dimension, the energy aspect. You have not changed the plane in any way. You have merely changed your point of view, or technically, you have changed your point of reference. The amount of energy which is apparently contained by a given body of matter depends entirely upon how far it has rotated upon the mass energy axis (defined by the quantity C, the radius of curvature of all natural law) with respect to the given observer. Another observer, observing the same body from a different reference point, would find an entirely different amount of energy. 
·        ENERGY: We will define energy as the ability to create changes in the position or condition of objects or points of reference. However, energy can create change, only when there exists a differential in the two points between which the change becomes manifest, or when the unit of energy has become divided into its two component parts called poles, or charges. One positive and one negative pole or charge, when united, constitute one photon or quantum of energy. (definitions  of the natural laws: space time mass matter energy gravity)
·        The Quantity C, the speed of light energy differential, is the pivotal point upon which the natural laws become manifest
·        The Quantity C is the kinetic energy equivalent of the mass energy of matter.
·        The Quantity C manifests as electromagnetic radiation covering a tremendous range of frequencies (also, each different type of atom has its own characteristic set of frequencies
·        The Quantity C is the radius of the curvature of natural law, meaning if a differential of energy equal to this quantity exists between the observer and the point which he is observing, the natural laws will be suspended. If the energy differential is in excess of the quantity C, the laws will appear to operate in reverse at that point.  
·        The Quantity C is also the velocity at which the universe folds and unfolds, from the STILL POINT – between the infinitely large and infinitely small  –  between Barbara Dewey’s “Big Blink” of the constant moving instant ‘Now’, ‘Now’ – or Walter Russell’s “point of rest” between the stages of unfoldment and refoldment, the cycles of ‘genero-activity’ contraction of gravity, at the inner explosive speed of light -  and radioactive expansion of vacuity, at the outer explosive speed of light.
Advanced, evolving concepts of ‘black holes’, zero point, dark energy/matter: Unified Physics – Articles, Reviews
The Resonance Project‘s William Brown has written a response to the recent Hawking paper that clarifies what Hawking actually did say and how these new observations are moving the standard model of black holes closer and closer toward the model and predictions that Nassim Haramein has been making about black holes for many years.   Some exciting new developments are occurring right now in the highest levels of physics that are converging directly with Haramein’s work on quantum black holes. Inevitably, the study of the physical Universe will lead to the correct answers, no matter how strange it may appear…

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Crunch time for physics: What's next?

Crunch time for physics: What's next? (New Scientist)

Editor’s note: Try the options in the previous post Beyond Light – The "flat" science view can easily be upgraded with the curvature addition - a radius of curvature of all natural law.  

At minimum, at least there is some consensus on acknowledging the current stalemate in the standard model of physics. 

(Image: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/GettyImages)
"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now" was supposedly a common refrain among late-Victorian scientists – shortly before quantum theory and Einstein’s relativity overturned everything. 

There is no such arrogance today. Relativity has produced a supremely accurate model of the cosmos, but to make it work we must supplement the universe we do see with myriad others that we don't. 

Last year’s discovery of the Higgs boson capped decades of sculpting quantum theory into the standard model of particle physics – yet it, too, is found wanting. Meanwhile, melding the two pillars of 20th-century physics into one "theory of everything" remains a dream. 

It may once again be time for a radical rethink, starting with the most fundamental question of all…

The roots of reality?

What makes us so sure that mathematics can reveal nature's deepest workings, asks cosmologist Brian Greene

The dark void at the universe's heart

Our established picture of the universe is supremely successful – maybe because most of it is completely made up, saysStephen Battersby
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Higgs smashes into a dead end

The discovery of the Higgs boson completed the most precise scientific model in history – and that's where the problems start, says Matthew Chalmers
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Desperately seeking everything

An ultimate theory that unifies all of physics seems as far away as ever – but that doesn't mean we should stop chasing the dream, says Michael Brooks
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