Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Promise of Energy for Everyone: Through natural, unimpeded Scientific Progression

Reprinted with permission ffrom Freedom Times
Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Looming Global Energy Crisisserve us a Glimpse into Our Own Future. Adding Ecological imbalance and the increasing intensity of widely fluctuating weather patterns, clearly spell out a deadly deficit in our comprehension of energy evolution.

The Promise of Energy for Everyone: Through natural, unimpeded Scientific Progression

Video text printed:
Japan's Nuclear Disaster and the Looming Global Energy Crisis serve us a Glimpse into Our Own Future. Adding Ecological imbalance and the increasing intensity of widely fluctuating weather patterns, clearly spell out a deadly deficit in our comprehension of energy evolution.

To remain confined in a tiny, extremely micro sized Energy Definition Box will prove fatal to our and future generations.

 We have barely glimpsed the full scope of Energy Evolution and applications.

Behavioral Shaping by promoting Trivia solutions derived from an analogous “flat world” energy science concept will continue the indirect abnormality of “profit” over “life” choices, caused by declining resources and deteriorating precious energy scarcity attempting to meet overwhelming demand.

Today’s question becomes,” would civilization rather Die than Switch?” to an expanded version of a scientific energy reality?

A scientific energy concept that brings the Promise of Energy and prosperity to all; a scientific energy concept with fundamentals that run flawlessly through the physical dimension, the mental dimension, and the petrified/tabooed spiritual dimension - the three legs on the tripod of reality upon which civilization rests.

Since the 1940′s, new energy technologies have been available through the actual testing of Einstein’s incomplete but testable portions of his 1928 Unified Field theory.

Today there exist hundreds of proofs of concepts of new energy devices, ranging from energy from the vacuum (zero point), cold fusion, and special hydrogen and water technologies, all which connect to an easily understood mathematical framework using the Quantity C as the Radius of Curvature of All Natural Law.

The Promise of Energy for Everyone, A Power Point Introductory Presentation may be accessed with the link on the You Tube descripton:

 Understanding the Radius of Curvature concept permits anyone to know without a doubt that the following applications have long since been possible:

• Field dependent propulsion
• Anti-gravity - polarization of gravity
• Special hydrogen and water technologies, field related – instant cheap hydrogen for fuel cells
• FTL -faster than light transportation
• "Movement"/"Transference" - from one point to another without going through all points in between

What will we choose?

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