Saturday, October 15, 2011

Evolutionary Energy Access vs Die-off

Reprinted with Permission from Freedon Times

Evolutionary Energy Access vs Die-off

In the infamous Milgram Experiment, Stanley Milgram presented plausible cause how a people/nation could willingly commit and support such devastating atrocities as they followed the Voice of Authority in a mob-like trance.

So too, our energy concept and the E=MC2 energy equation continues to stagnant for over 100 years, against all odds and common sense.

The people's belief remains firmly entrenched in the authority of their Master’s proclamation that fission and fusion accompanied with deadly radiation are the only means to access "nuclear energy".

As long as that authoritative proclamation remains unchallenged, upgrading our lifestyle toward unlimited possibilities lies dead in the water, with “Die-Off” becoming the popular consensus among the scientific predictors of our future.

Until the Energy question is resolved, the following continues to foretell our future:

Corporism: The Systemic Disease that Destroys Civilization. By Ken Reiner 05/09/03:”I view the continuing growth of corporate power and its despotic control of governments throughout the world, including our own, as a socio-economic disease. While Mussolini and others named it "Fascism," I call it "Corporism" because that name better reveals its underlying institutional structure. I would define Corporism as the domination of government and society by the emergence and power of the giant publicly-traded multinational corporations and financial institutions, organized in totalitarian hierarchies, which singly and in combinations buy or destroy their competitors, corrupt the politics of nations, and seize, hoard, and wield for themselves most of the wealth of the human race.”
Revisiting the duel concept of POWER

 Wall Street Occupiers, the Future Depends on You "

October 14, 2011 7:38 AM The streets versus Wall Street   The Streets of Torment  Peering back at a largely forgotten terrain of struggle against "the Street," so full of sound and fury signifying quite a lot, it's astonishing -- to a historian of Wall Street, at least -- that the present movement didn't happen sooner.  It's already hard to remember that only weeks ago, three years into the near shutdown of the world financial system and the Great Recession, an eerie unprotesting silence still blanketed the country.  Stories accumulated of Wall Street greed and arrogance, astonishing tales of incompetence and larceny.  The economy slowed and stalled.  People lost their homes and jobs. Poverty reached record levels.  The political system proved as bankrupt as the big banks.  Bipartisan consensus emerged -- but only around the effort to save "too big to fail" financial goliaths, not the legions of victims their financial wilding had left in its wake. …….”

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